IARF Action Alert

We Must Continue to Do Better - Support Full DHS Rate Study Funds in FY23

Governor Pritzker has proposed his state fiscal year budget that put forward a $94.8 million investment in new funding for the Guidehouse Rate study, which is the roadmap for sustainable I/DD funding in Illinois. While we greatly appreciate this investment, this investment falls short of the total $246.8 million needed to FULLY fund the rate study as called for in the report. We desperately need full funding to ensure a living wage for staff and to build capacity needed to pull Illinois back into compliance with the Ligas Consent Decree and prepare for implementation of the federal home and community-based rules by next year.

House Assistant Majority Leader Robyn Gabel has filed House Bill 4832 and Senator Sara Feigenholtz has filed Senate Bill 4063, both of which would fully fund the Guidehouse rate study. We need to build support for our legislative champions and this issue during a shortened legislative session. Please take the link below to contact your legislators and ask that they" Support full funding of the Guidehouse Rate Study in the FY23 Budget; Communicate that support to legislative leaders and staff; and Co-Sponsor and Support House Bill 4832 and Senate Bill 4063.

  1. Support full funding of the Guidehouse Rate Study in the FY23 Budget;
  2. Communicate that support to legislative leaders and staff; and
  3. Co-Sponsor and Support House Bill 4832 and Senate Bill 4063.

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