a woman smiling at a man

About Glenkirk

Our Story

Since 1954, Glenkirk has provided the highest quality programs and services to individuals with intellectual disabilities. Glenkirk was founded by dedicated families who wanted something better for children and adults with disabilities. From that desire grew a commitment to excellence which has continued for more than half a century and, with your help, will continue well into the future.

Throughout its history, Glenkirk has always focused on the unique strengths, needs and desires of each person it serves. Taking the time to get to know each individual on a personal level and providing that person with the skills and inspiration to meet their own unique potential is our top priority and our greatest reward.

Glenkirk is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). Glenkirk is licensed by the Illinois Departments of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS), Human Services (DHS), and Public Health (IDPH).


Imagine, Explore, Connect

Our Mission

Our Mission

Glenkirk provides quality, lifetime support and services that empower individuals with intellectual disabilities to participate fully in all areas of community life. Glenkirk offers a variety of residential, day and employment programs, as well as medical, behavioral health, and in-home respite services.

Our Mission

Glenkirk provides quality, lifetime support and services that empower individuals with intellectual disabilities to participate fully in all areas of community life. Glenkirk offers a variety of residential, day and employment programs, as well as medical, behavioral health, and in-home respite services.
Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

The Glenkirk team is here to assist individuals imagine their best life, explore the opportunities around them, and connect with their community to bring their imagination to life!

Our Philosophy

The Glenkirk team is here to assist individuals imagine their best life, explore the opportunities around them, and connect with their community to bring their imagination to life!
Our Approach

Our Approach

This personalized approach to services is how we deliver a positive quality of life to each and every person we support. Whether it's expanding our range of small-scale residential offerings, implementing smart home technology to enhance community connections, or continuing the growth of our Next Generation Services program, the Glenkirk team is committed to the 'imagine, explore, connect' philosophy.

Our Approach

This personalized approach to services is how we deliver a positive quality of life to each and every person we support. Whether it's expanding our range of small-scale residential offerings, implementing smart home technology to enhance community connections, or continuing the growth of our Next Generation Services program, the Glenkirk team is committed to the 'imagine, explore, connect' philosophy.
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Join the Glenkirk Community!

Discover the power of collective action! Dive into the heart of Glenkirk by getting involved in our vibrant community. Explore our diverse range of opportunities, events, and initiatives to make a positive impact alongside fellow change makers. Together, let’s shape a better future for Glenkirk and beyond. Your involvement matters, so join us on this exciting journey of collaboration and transformation!